It was a riot of colorful madness & celebrations when Footwear Designer Swati Modo hosted her birthday bash at the newly launched Lagom Switch at Golf Course Road, Gurugram. With picturesque ambience and everyone dressed in true Harajuku Street Style it sure teleported all present straight o Tokyo.
Prominent faces from the fashion fraternity and Page 3 regulars were seen taking the dance floor and letting their hair down till wee hours of the morning. Amongst those present included Actors Mahip Marwah, Sarthak Verma; Socialites Thenny Mejia, Kiran Prakash, Shuweta Kapoor, Nidhi Sharma Chadha, Salloli Kumar, Madhavi Gupta, Sandli Soni, Payal Singh, Arti Mehrotra, Shivani Chawla, Shikha Verma, Avleen Khokhar; Designer Amit Talwar; Stylists Anuj Lawani, Shaine Soni; Fashion Choreographer Liza Varma; Deejay JC; Ace Photographer Shekhar Sharma; Entrepreneurs Nikhiel Kumar, Maneesh Baheti, Lalit Khannawlia, Dharmender Kumar, Ratnadeep Lal, Monte Sachdeva, Jaspreet Singh, Nitin Khannawlia; Models Deepika Yadav & Robin Chaudhary amongst many others.
The epic soiree would truly be an affair to remember!!!