Actor Heena Panchal is the latest one to take the Hum Fit Toh India Fit challenge and she decided to choose a Monkey Bar and abs workout to do her bit. Joining the list of Bollywood and sports celebs who took the Hum Fit Toh India Fit challenge, actor Heena Panchal, too, did her bit, in a unique style. The actor posted the video on social media, where she is wearing gym suit and doing Monkey Bar and abs workout. monkey bars are one of the most effective and versatile workout tools you probably never think to utilize. If you are looking to make your workouts more fun, you may want to add in some Monkey Bar Exercises. Monkey Bar moves are a great way to strengthen your upper body and core.Heena is a big fitness enthusiast who loves to work hard in the gym.
#HumFitTohIndiaFit started with a tweet and a video by Union Sports Minister Rajyavarshan Singh Rathore in which he got on all fours and did some pushups and threw a #FitnessChallenge to Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli, Badminton champ Saina Nehwal and actor Hrithik Roshan. This is part of #HumFitTohIndiaFit campaign to promote fitness in India. And now the challenge has exploded on twitter with even Prime Minister Narendra Modi jumping on the #FitnessChallenge bandwagon by accepting Indian cricket captain Virat Kohli's challenge.